Behind our passion for coffee lies a story, and we had the privilege of speaking with our coffee farmer friend, Sebastián Ramírez, who introduced us to the new wush wush coffee from the ancestral line directly from the lands of Quindío. We learned about his career and unique approach to coffee farming, making it one of the most exceptional coffees produced by Colo.

Sebastián grew up in Calarcá, Quindío, known as the cradle of coffee growing and tradition. He studied law until the seventh semester, but had to leave his degree to take care of his father's farm.

Through dedication and hard work, he became the fourth generation of coffee growers in his family, eventually specializing in producing high-quality coffee for local and foreign clients.

Sebastián's experience led him to tour the farms of Quindío, where he aimed to assist coffee growers throughout the farming process.

As the project grew, he created a profit center by bringing together several farms to manage their processes more efficiently, increasing production significantly. Today, Sebastián offers a portfolio of export coffee of different varieties and processes, all stabilized at destination and not at origin.

We asked Sebastián about our latest launch, the wush wush coffee, which is an exotic variety from Ethiopia. The seed came to Sebastián more than ten years ago, and after several experiments, he achieved a unique blend with intense tasting notes of chocolate, strawberry, orange, and cedar. The extended fermentation played a crucial role in bringing out these flavors, making it one of the most sought-after varieties today.

We are grateful to Sebastián for sharing his expertise and opening the doors of his mill and those of the Quindío coffee growers. This allows us to enjoy the best of Colombia's diversity in our cup and appreciate the history and hard work behind every cup of coffee. Come visit us and try our new wush wush coffee, available at all of our Colo locations.

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